Muelle de Levante 10. Puerto de Alicante.
www.museotheoceanrace.com / alicantecruisefriendly.com/places/the-ocean-race-museum/
WINTER- from 20 September to 24 June
Wednesday & Thursday: from 10.00h to 16.00h.
Friday & Saturday: from 10.00h to 18.00h.
Sunday: from 10.00h to 14.00h.
SUMMER – from 25 June to 19 September.
Wednesday to Saturday: 11:00h – 19:00h
Sunday: 11:00h – 15:00h
CLOSED on Mondays and Tuesdays / January 1st / December 25th.
Free admision for all the visitors.
General adult 5€.
Reduced ticket 3€: 6 -17 years old. Youth card. University card. + 65 years old.
Free admission: 0-5 years old, unemployed, large families and people with some degree of disability.
General visit 12€.
Visit reduced price 5€: 12-17 years old. Youth Card. University card. Alicante Residents. + 65 years old.
Free visit: 0 -11 years old, unemployed, large families and people with some degree of disability.
Payment at the reception of the Museum
General 15€.
reduced ticket 6€: 12-17 years old. Youth Card. University card. Alicante Residents. + 65 years old.
family friendly visit 3€: -12 years old, unemployed, large families and people with some degree of disability.
Payment at the reception of the Museum
CRUISE FRIENDLY OFFER 10% discount extra in the Museo store
The Ocean Race Museo
El Museo The Ocean Race es el único museo del mundo dedicado a la competición de vela más dura que existe: The Ocean Race. Un espacio interactivo que recorre los más de 50 años de historia de la regata y sus avances en tecnología náutica, mostrando el esfuerzo humano que este desafío deportivo supone, a través de instalaciones audiovisuales, juegos, maquetas y mucho más.Mientras que navegamos alrededor del planeta, se lleva a cabo otro esfuerzo colosal: la carrera por el océano. The Ocean Race se dedica a inspirar acciones para proteger el océano. El museo muestra el importante trabajo que se está llevando a cabo para concienciar sobre la salud de los océanos y crear nuestro evento de la forma más sostenible posible.
Alicante es el Puerto de Salida de The Ocean Race desde 2008 y lo será para la próxima edición 2026-27.
The Ocean Race Museum is the only museum in the world dedicated to the toughest sailing competition that exists: The Ocean Race. An interactive exhibition that covers more than 45 years of history of the Round the World Race and its advances in nautical technology. Showing the human effort that this sport challenge entails, through audiovisual installations, games, models and much more.
Alongside the race around the planet, another colossal effort is taking place: the race for the ocean. The Ocean Race is dedicated to inspiring action to protect the ocean. The museum showcases the important work that is taking place to raise awareness about ocean health and to create our event as sustainably as possible.
Alicante has been the Start Port of The Ocean Race since 2008 and will be the Start Port for the next edition 2026-27.
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