(Update January 1st due to extension of term)
1.- Call
Asociación Alicante por el Turismo de Cruceros [Alicante for Cruise Tourism Association] promotes and organizes the 1st Edition of the Tourist Photography Contest related to Cruise Tourism with destination Alicante Costablanca.
The purpose of this international contest is to give a boost to #alicantecostablanca and to make it known, as well as to enhance the memories of our land and thus recover the arrival of visitors in our city and province.
The birth of this idea was inspired by the outstanding number of inexhaustible resources that #alicantecostablanca offers not only to Tourism, and especially to the cruise passenger who visits us and becomes a faithful prescriber of our environment, but also to the privileged conditions provided by #alicantecostablanca both for investment and for social and economic dynamization.
2.- Participants
Any individual older than 18 can sign up for this photographic contest, with the exception of jury members, as well as members of the entity that organizes this contest and their close relatives, provided that they abide by its rules:
3.- Theme
The main theme will be the images freely understood by their author as referring to a visit to Alicante Costablanca in the past, or those recorded in future arrivals until the end date of this Contest, which either show their arrival or departure at/from the Alicante Port Cruise Terminal, together with produced images that relate to any area or corner of Alicante Costablanca, particularly regarding the dissemination and promotion of its gastronomy, cultural heritage, commerce, hotel stays, transport, festivities, beaches, natural spaces, customs, handicrafts, routes, nautical activities…; specifying the date when it was taken, the place, the name of the cruise ship on which the arrival took place and the Shipping Company, always and in any case, when choosing one of the two modalities: Option A and Option B.
4.- Nature of the promotion and people entitled to participate
• Participation is free.
• All private individuals older than 18 from any country can be considered participants or contestants.
• Each participant is allowed to submit a maximum of 3 photographs or images; they need not necessarily be unpublished, but they cannot have been submitted or awarded a prize in another photographic contest. The content of the photographs will compulsorily have to do with the contest theme.
• Participants assume full responsibility for being the only authors, for guaranteeing that no third-party rights exist, as well as for any claim linked to image rights on the images submitted to the contest.
• The photographs or images cannot be altered, neither electronically nor by any other means. Photomontages will not be accepted either.
• The photographs will be presented only in digital files, in JPG or TIF format, in color, and exclusively in horizontal format. They will have a maximum size of 1,920 larger-side pixels and a maximum weight of 2MB (at 72ppp), without adding frames, edges, signatures, watermarks or captions.
5.- Submission ways. Two modalities
Option A)
They will be sent to the following e-mail address: including the data listed below:
- Photograph Title
- Date when —and place where— the photograph was taken
- Name of the Cruise Ship on which the arrival in Alicante Costablanca took place and Shipping Company
- Author’s name and surname(s)
- Date of Birth
- Participant’s DNI [(Spanish) National Identity Document] or Passport number
- Postal address, zip code, municipality, province, country
- Contact telephone number
- E-mail address
Taking part in this contest implies that the author of the photographs authorizes their exhibition and publication in any of the communication channels used by Asociación Alicante por el Turismo de Cruceros.
Option B)
Purpose: encouraging cruise passengers’ involvement on the Association’s social network accounts and, consequently, the dissemination and promotion of tourism in Alicante Costablanca.
Participation will be possible for any private individual older than 18 who has an Instagram account and who, during the validity period of this contest, takes part in it pursuant to its terms and conditions.
Instagram is a mobile social network.
Instagram neither participates nor manages nor guarantees this contest in any way.
Participation entails that the contestant has an Instagram account and, in turn, complies with the conditions of this social network ( Furthermore, for participation to be validated, this profile must obligatorily be public; otherwise, access to participants’ photographs would not be possible.
Uploading an image or photograph to Instagram, in accordance with the theme established in Section 3, without any filters, and specifying the date on which it was taken, the place, the name of the Cruise Ship on which the arrival occurred and the Shipping Company.
Compulsorily tagging the image or photograph with the hashtags:
#alicanteporelturismodecruceros #horizonteAlicanteCostablanca #Alicante #CostaBlanca #ComunitatValenciana #AlicanteCostaBlanca
Only images published from Instagram which have been correctly tagged with at least three of the hashtags mentioned in the preceding paragraph will be accepted.
6.- Submission date(s)
The period to submit or publish photographs or images will be (the following): June 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2020.
The deadline for submission or publication is extended to JUNE 30th, 2021, due to the exceptional circumstances that we are suffering worldwide due to Covid-19.
Photographs will not be accepted after this last date, June 30th, 2021.
7.- Jury. Decision
The Jury —made up of two persons with recognized prestige in the fields of photographic art/photography and/or art, another two involved in the promotion of cruise tourism in Alicante Costablanca, and one member of Asociación Alicante por el Turismo de Cruceros — will select the thirty finalist photographs or images on the basis of three criteria: creativity; promotion of Alicante Costablanca; and technical quality. The winning photograph will be made public next July 2021.
The jury reserves the right to interpret the Rules for this contest and to solve those cases not covered therein according to the best knowledge of its members.
The jury’s decision will be explicitly communicated to the prizewinner by the organizers. Likewise, Asociación Alicante por el Turismo de Cruceros will disseminate this information through its own media and channels, such as its website and its social network accounts.
The jury reserves the right not to award the prize established in the next section either if, in the opinion of its members, the photographs or images do not have sufficient quality to deserve it or if the number of photographs or images fails to reach a required minimum.
8.- Prize
One-week holiday for two people in Alicante Costablanca, which includes the costs of accommodation, as well as guided tours around the city and its province on a half-board basis. The date must be between September 2021 and December 2021.
9.- Copyright and Other Considerations
The prize-winning photograph or image will become the property of Asociación Alicante por el Turismo de Cruceros, which reserves all rights thereon.
The thirty photographs most valued by the jury, the finalists, will be exhibited on the Asociación Alicante por el Turismo de Cruceros website ( and disseminated through its communication channels.
In the thirty finalist photographs, the author(s) will continue to own the(ir) intellectual property. Asociación Alicante por el Turismo de Cruceros must specify the author’s name in future dissemination or promotion initiatives through its communication channels and social network accounts or by any digital media.
The organizing entity —Asociación Alicante por el Turismo de Cruceros— will reject any application that may be carried out pursuing commercial interests of third parties, such as the assignment, loan, exploitation or sale, inter alia, of contestants’ personal details, as well as of the images submitted by them to the contest.
Participants must be the only holders of copyright and any other intellectual property corresponding to the photographs sent to the contest, and will assume full responsibility that no third-party rights exist on the submitted photographs or images, as well as for any claims linked to image rights, holding the organizers harmless of any such responsibility.
The personal details supplied by participants or contestants will be treated pursuant to the provisions contained in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 (GDPR) and Organic Law (ES) 15/1999 of December 13th [on Data Protection] (LOPD), any contestant being entitled to exercise their rights of access, rectification and cancellation by addressing for communications related to LOPD/GDPR.
10.- Acceptance of Rules
Participation in this Contest implies the full acceptance of each and every one of these rules and of the Jury’s unappealable decision.



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